Xanga - August 19,2005


Friday, August 19, 2005

Currently Listening
Take This to Your Grave
By Fall Out Boy
see related
Reality has officailly set in...... im a senior... that means that i have to start deciding what im going to do with the rest of my life..
i do solemly swear that i will go to college, that i will lead a full productive life, and that i will physiologicly be grown up by the time im chronologically 65.
         signed - The Heroe-
ok so now that is overwith. kinda feeling emo today.... i wish i could write lyrics really well.... only problem is that it would be a never ending song....... i get the feeling that once i started i wouldnt be able to stop...
Girls are great..... a great big curse=) j/k
im ready to move and meet new people... start over if you will......

Life is not the amount of breathes you take, it's the moments... That take your breathe away. - Hitch
 Posted 8/19/2005 6:48 PM - 1 View - 14 eProps - 9 comments - edit it


Visit Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO's Xanga Site!
dude...you so just depressed me
Posted 8/19/2005 9:16 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit BeAutIeQuEen18's Xanga Site!
Hey..Dale! I did not even mean it like that im sorry i hurt you...but i dont know i would have rather us been friends and stuff it wasnt your age just the only thing i could come up with and im not a very brave person so i mean u should have talked to me more and then maybe i would have went out with u 8)
Posted 8/19/2005 11:13 PM by BeAutIeQuEen18 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

that quote from hitch....deff love it
Posted 8/20/2005 1:06 AM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Kali_luhves_u's Xanga Site!
hey i was just lookin through alot of xanga's and i thought u were hot and i thought id say hey.... look at my xanga.... www.xanga.com/kali_luhves_u
Posted 8/20/2005 2:52 AM by Kali_luhves_u - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit cinderjessi07's Xanga Site!
yea i cheered at hj...for like three years...i go to west brook now!!! its okay...but i prefer smaller schools...i also cheer at west brook for my first year...big varstiy!!! but heyy thanks for the "cute" comment! your not too bad yourself! :)
Posted 8/20/2005 11:38 AM by cinderjessi07 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

hey I was lookin through xangas & found urs & i was wonderin what skool u go to b-c I met a guy named Preston awhile back & he looked kinda like u &  i was wonderin if u r tha same person I met.....well, holla back & let me know if u r tha same guy...Maychelle
Posted 8/20/2005 12:26 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

hey, no i wont stop leavin u comments if u dont want me 2...so what skool u go to?!? do u have yahoo mess?!? w-b ight!
Posted 8/20/2005 1:03 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit cinderjessi07's Xanga Site!
im something unpredictable, but in the end im right, i could be the best time of your life...ummmm that was me singing to you, didnt try to be weird, but yea your song was hard to work with...i cant go see red eye tonight because im at my moms...sorry, but maybe we can do somethin next weekend? i have a game friday, but saturday would be funn!!! sorry about tonight...but please dont hate me and comment back!
Posted 8/20/2005 5:59 PM by cinderjessi07 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit all_the_worldz_a_stage's Xanga Site!
HEY umm.. i created a new xanga.. to put all of my artistic crap on or whatever.. i stil lhave the old one though. NOT LIKE YOU EVER leave comments anyways.
Posted 8/21/2005 1:58 PM by all_the_worldz_a_stage - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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