Xanga - May 29,2006


Monday, May 29, 2006

Graduation and Beyond.....

Currently Listening
It's All in Your Head
By Eve 6
Heres to the Night
see related
Once again, its been a little bit since ive updated so im going to try to make this a long one........

Lets start with pre-graduation:
    Well, i think that i was trying to ignore it at first, but it finally got too close to ignore any more so i faced it. It was one of the most bitter sweet experiences i have ever gone through. On one hand, im getting out of school, on the other, im losing a large portion of what made me , me...... i cant say that anything on this earth or the next could make me go from 5th - to 10th grade again but the rest of it was fun... i dont think i ever told anyone about this but i had made some goals for my high school carreer and i hope i accomplished them.

1) Start an annual concert (May Music Fest and Mark Nestler will be back next year)
2) Figure out some way of doing my part to create some school spirit in a place where there was one (broadcast journalism (i dont know if it really created spirit but it was something that everyone wanted to see=))
3) Even if i didnt like the place or the teachers, have friends that could get me through it all. (thanks guys)
4) Prepare myself for what lies ahead (only time can tell)

Here is the point where i publicly announce THANKYOU for all those who hung in there with me through school.....

Then came graduation day..... son......
Practice at 10 in the morning trying not to hit kathy darling....... very hard........
some one tell her to never wear tanktops!
          save some eyes, wear a parka women.....

Went home and slept all day. got up and got ready for graduation.... what a weird surreal feeling... even though we were there, it didnt feel real..... stayed strong through it all until megan got up there to speak and then i teared up but the dams held. then after we through our hats up, the battel was on with the tears, made it through everyone w/o crying until once again, i got to megan, then the gates bust open.......
then on the graduation party at my house. Jodi made a movie for me of my school days. She did a good job, props to her.......

Project Graduation
wow..... umm lets see, let me start with the hypnotist. He had me singing like N'sync, Brittany Spears, The Jungle Song, George Straight, and more. I also was turned into a dog, i attacked samantha nolans mom and ripped through her pants leg trying to pull her. all kinds of stuff. and word to the wise, dont try to fight the hypnotist, it hurts............
Then we spent the rest of the night chillin and bidding on prizes. i got a DR Pepper bike and a luggage bag. all set to go on my mormon mission now=)

Now that its officially all over, it seems like one big blur..... im going to miss some people. As much as i thought i hated Buna High, it made me who i am and for that i owe alot. From the friends i made thier ever to the enemies..... it all shaped me. I guess everyone lets the events around them mold who they are. The difference is how we let it mold us. negativly or positively. High School has been the time of my life and i can only hope and pray that we dont forget each other too soon.............
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same, 
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost

Good bye and God Bless,

Preston Dale Ferguson
Class of 2006
Buna High
 Posted 5/29/2006 4:08 PM - 18 Views - 6 eProps - 5 comments - edit it


Visit Halo0188's Xanga Site!
Aww... Sue... I mean Dale... that was such a great entry!! Oh, and you are on that slide show... I just haven't finished it yet. I thought it'd be another month until you came back to the xanga world, but as you see... jokes on me! =D I'll talk to ya later... we need to get together and to the CAB or the mormon church... either way... keep the memories going!! Oh, and I'm still waiting for that date ya know!! Talk to ya soon!
Posted 5/29/2006 5:50 PM by Halo0188 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Now, go look at my xanga... I finished it and your on there... SUE!
Posted 5/29/2006 10:44 PM by Halo0188 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Hey Dale. I was gonna give you a call today, but I never got a chance and when I got a chance I tried to call Jeffrey, but he's to good for me and wouldn't answer his phone... so I left him a few ugly messages... and abunch of George Strait songs.... hahaha... okay maybe I didn't but it is true that he wouldn't answer his phone!! I'll make sure to call you first tomorrow first... Jeffrey last... =D
Posted 6/1/2006 1:25 AM by Halo0188 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit islandbabe8806's Xanga Site!
hey daley!!  I miss you bunches already... by the way... hott video you sent us when we were on the band trip... did you like our little midnight serenade... lol!!  Project grad was awesome and we need to hang out sometime soon!  I've known you since we were itty bitty and just because we're outta school doesn't mean that we can't hang out!!  You rock my sox kiddo!  thanks for making my high school years a living hell... just kiddin... it's been really awesome (distance learning... root beer floats... good times good times)... i'll forever keep the memories and hope to make new ones... keep in touch! I love you bunches always butt head!!
Posted 6/5/2006 2:53 AM by islandbabe8806 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit ThatMormonKid's Xanga Site!
yo. sorry about jettin so fast..Arnold woke up....buut i guess i'll just talk to you at some other unknown date. lol. its nice to actually be on speakin terms with you=)
Posted 8/23/2006 11:41 PM by ThatMormonKid - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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