Xanga - February 11,2006


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Currently Listening
June's Picture Show
By Ingram Hill
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*This post was also made on myspace - i just felt like sharing*
So, im going to make my first official post on here. mmmm what should i talk about??? i think basketball for starters....
The season is over..... 4 good. you know, i keep thinking that ill be back next year, but i wont. I’ve got a lot of memories in that gym......... not all of them are good but none of which i would trade....... Different people have different ways of expressing their emotions. Musicians write music, painters paint, and athletes play. im not saying that we are all out whining or crying on the court all the time. what im saying is that when the Buna cougars play basketball, they put their heart, soul, might, mind, and strength into it. True enough, we don’t have a great record, or any unbelievable athletes. But we do have heart. and i am proud to include myself as part of that team. 4 any of you reading this, im glad that i have been able to play all these years on a team with you. It has made me better as a player and as a person.
Now, with basketball being over, what comes next?. gotta a couple of different options, could go start working in Beaumont as much as i can stand, can start OAP, could be a total slacker and enjoy the last of my high school career.
I think that im going to do OAP and enjoy, come what may.... i got the rest of my life to work, why get a head start on it?

Was going to go out with some friends tonight but plans fell through...... oh well, try again next weekend. we shall see...........
Broadcast Journalism has some interesting stuff going on. We are getting free Co ax and we have to by an amplifier but other wise, we are going completely live. should be interesting. need to get to work. =)
so mindy stayed the night with jodi last night, well, she parked behind my jeep. so i in a rush this morning and she wont move her tracker. so finally i get the keys from her. keep in mind that no one is really up and moving yet.... so me, being the person that i am, decide that i am going to park Mindy’s tracker in the horse pasture. some how in the process, i almost got stampeded (i jumped into the tracker for protection) as the horses run out in the yard. great, now i have the horses out..... normally not THAT big of a deal, but apparently they were enjoying the sun shine and wanted to run...... needless to say, before long, i had mom (in her house gown still) zooming out of the drive way in her car and running across fields, chris running across the yard, and me and dad (who had just got off of a 12 graveyards) on 4 wheelers trying to catch those 2 horses, and mindy the whole time trying to figure out where her tracker went.... geez......... point of the story........ tie the horses up before you try to park a vehicle inside their field.............

ok ive typed enough, im out=)
Posted 2/11/2006 6:45 PM - 6 Views - 4 eProps - 2 comments - edit it


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HAA horse stamped (sp?)...thats wonderful....
oh shyea...whats this song? i dig it?
Posted 2/12/2006 5:07 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Dont have to be to school till 12 tomorrow!!! =)!!!!!!!!! Go US!!
Posted 2/20/2006 9:51 PM by Logan2006 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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