Do people actually read this thing?  If you look over to the left, there is a counter. It recently passed the 1000 mark. Granted, 100 of them are probably mine, another hundred probably belong to my mom, but where did the rest come from?!?! 

Read On…

You wanna know why i think people read this thing occasionally? Well if your reading this, then you are one of those people, and probably already know why. BUT, I’m going to tell you anyway.

  1.  Avoiding responsibility. Your at school, at work, or at home with loads to do, and yet your desperate to avoid the responsibility. You may have even convinced yourself that you had something important to do on-line (or maybe your more honest than that and know you want to just quickly check your fb) and you somehow ended up perusing through links to find your way here. You don't know that you find it interesting, but since it is the personal thoughts of another (to which your usually not privy to) its worth a glance, especially to avoid responsibility.
  2. Blind stumbling. Your even more bored than the previous group and have been  hitting the “Next” button. I'm going to say that you’re part of the group that doesn't have responsibility. Its not that you are avoiding things to do, you simply don’t have anything to do. Consequently, you have resorted to clicking through random people’s blogs to entertain yourself. Either a catchy title or a nifty picture will catch your attention but no for long, before you off to explore another.
  3. Choosing to look. Your my favorite group. Granted, as stated above, this is probably mostly my mom. But still, i relish to idea that some few individuals find my thoughts intriguing and important. To put it simply, “Thank you.”

Till next time,

dale out.


  1. I choose to look, Dale. Your posts usually give me something to really think about which is more than I can say for most blogs.

  2. You are right...I choose to look, I love knowing what is going through my son's head at different times of his life. Since I can't see you everyday, this helps me to feel closser to you. So keep up the good work..Question, which one are you on my blog..cause i do it mainlyfor you..haha

  3. I just like reading the thoughts of others that I'm not usually privy to...I'm pretty nosy...its like gossiping--without the sin. I get to find out all the info I want without having to ask questions. This is why I love other people's blogs.
