Timon and Pumbaa


First, to start out, I think I may actually get a few comments off of this one. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.


I made a comment a few days ago to moving on to a ‘Wednesday’ post to Andrew. He, maybe with a little sarcasm in his voice (which is hard to believe coming from Andrew) shot back, “You can’t do that, you have more important things to write about – AKA – Lauren!” We laughed it off but today I saw a clip that I think is going to explain things quite well. Here is a key:

    • Simba – Me (Dale)
    • Nala – Lauren
    • Timon – Roomate #1
    • Pumbaa – Roomate #2 (I’ll let them decide which one is which)



10164074I can not even begin to describe the applications  that this little jewel has.


But let me try;)

Simba – Me, Lots of past, not always the most open about certain things. (Click here for more details about why that is)timon-and-pumbaa

Timon and Pumbaa – Fairly obvious one. My roommates are my best friends. With  that being said, they give me a rough time occasionally about Nahla.

Nala – Lauren;)

1171582176_esultsNalaThere are plenty more comparisons to draw, but considering this is a public blob, I’m going to keep private thoughts…. private;)



Dale Out.


  1. very cute Dale....just wondering how much I should read into this...lol..of course now I want to go watch the Lion King...and for sure don't let those two roomates give you a hard time...lol...love you

  2. well pretty soon youre gonna have to find one where Timon is singing by himself . . .

  3. if only it was that easy.... so when do I get my Nala?

  4. I didn't realize I was the topic of the blog. hah I think the roommies are still getting plenty of time with Preston. (Probably more than me) rock climbing, staying out til 4 in the morning... (:

  5. This is funny. And it is just like Lauren to fall down a hill... :)
