I’ve Got the Music in Me



I live in Provo and go to school in Salt Lake. It is about an hour drive with decent traffic. I usually only go on Tue. and Thurs. This summer however, I have to go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I HATE IT. The only thing that is worse than having to go 3 times a week are the classes that I’m taking. “Marriage Prep” followed immediately by “Statistics” and “Calculus.” Stats and Calc are in the same classroom with the same teacher, back to back. Point of all this is to explain why by the time I go home, I’m about to explode from sitting still so long. I seriously have the attention span of a gnat.

Yesterday was one of “those days.” I skipped out of class early and caught a matinee of “The Last Airbender 3D.” On the way home though, I did what I usually do on “those days.” I rolled down the windows, cranked up the volume, and sang at the top of my lungs. I have made that drive so many times that I sometimes kind of space out (dangerous right?). The music consumes me and for a few minutes, I have an outlet. Every emotion, feeling, and thought that gets cramped up inside of me gets to escape. Even the old lady yesterday that was giving me the stare down as I was cranking out some David Archuleta doesn't matter. It all just fades in the background. I am America’s next Idol.

I love getting into other people’s heads and figuring out what makes them tick, but rare is it that someone gets into mine. Instead, I lock everything inside. Consequently, it needs a release. While singing at my shower head is great and all, its only a temporary fix. The music isnt mine. It’s someone else’s release. Singing, writing random blogs, photography, and playing piano are all temporary fixes.  I think that the worst part is that I can hear the music I want to perform in my head, I just cant seem to get it out. I even bought new guitar strings finally. No luck. Maybe i should take up cross-stitching.

1 comment:

  1. Dale, I know Marriage Prep is rough but you have to admit, I do make it more bearable!
