Things Happen
I’ve been involved recently in some ‘happenings.’ These are the kind of happenings that make you think. Now, I’m not going to be giving out a lot of details. One thing I will say though is that life can be ended quickly.Sometimes it can be by accident, sometimes its sickness, and sometimes, unfortunately, its on purpose – even choosing to end one’s own life.
I’ve seen it happen before. I’ve been to funerals. Old and young. Some where a little harder on me than others. Especially the younger ones. I think that’s just the way things go.
Now, if you know anything about me, you probably know that I have some beliefs. Very strong and deeply rooted. They’re comforting but I think anyone who tells you that there not afraid of the great beyond is one of two types of people. Type one are the people who are lying to themselves and type two are the ones who have seen God.
The truth is, If I could know the exact date I was going to die and how. I wouldn’t do it. Some say it would be ‘liberating.’ I doubt it. You ever seen someone who knows they’re time is limited?
What’s the point of this post?
Time is Precious… That’s all I’m saying.
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