Xanga - September 05,2005


Monday, September 05, 2005

Currently Listening
By Waking Ashland
see related
Ok so its been a while since I updated. Lots going on. Saturday night at about 11 my stake got let off of stand bye for Katrina recovery and was called into action. I cant wait to go help out. we take off next weekend with about 30 people just from our ward to go help out. I didn't really realize what was going on when this all started to happening but now that it is here, "I will go and do"
The last month or so I have started to get a taste of the chapter that lies ahead in my life. Jango and Rice left and it started to get my thinking about what would happen at graduation. I don't know alot of the people in my class near as well as I wish I did. time is running short. Not only are all of my friends leaving or going to leave but got to start letting reality set in about the future. making definite decisions. The world is open and im going to dive in head first.=) cant wait to get out and make it on my own. Its a scary idea but its what i want. just hope i can make some good friends better friends.
got bored in gov. and this is what i came up with. needs alot of work but its a start.
The lake is quiet
He knows what he has to do
It'll take all his might
But its for him not you
He gets in the water and straps himself in
This may be the last time he gets up
He may not be strong enouph to finish days end.
The engine roars and the water sprays
Everyones looking and watching his way
With one swift motion he gets up on his board
Fighting and struggling to stay just one second more
The sun's going down now and he can't hold on much more
He had a good ride because he knew who it was for.
The docters step back and the heart moniters stop.
Now they have to go and tell Mom and Pop.
They say,"Now he is quiet,
He did what God had for him to do.
He lived for those who loved him,
and that means you."
 Posted 9/5/2005 11:42 AM - 1 View - 20 eProps - 12 comments - edit it

I told you that was a good one! : ) You're so ingenius
Posted 9/5/2005 12:12 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

ok so the whole thing about its time to think about future decisions n stuff....i know exacly how u feel.....and it is a scary thought but at the same time.....it awesome! i cant wait! just think BYU is like EFY exept for one difference....its not just a week it becomes your life.... HOW SWEET!...hehe
oh and the poem u wrote that was way good! have a good one kid!
Posted 9/5/2005 9:09 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit cinderjessi07's Xanga Site!
hey, im ungrounded from the computer...yay!!! about your nerves so far as your life changing...all i can say is dont worry about it right now, or youll regret not having the times you wasted in fear...just go with the flow...and your poem/song....very very good, i love it...and about your friends, youve got me and youll always have the internet =)...dont think about it so much right now... you have 9 whole months before graduation...and still plenty of time to worry about stuff!!! im here for you always...jessica
Posted 9/5/2005 10:06 PM by cinderjessi07 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit WilDRicEGuY's Xanga Site!
so i lost your phone number with my last phone. ummmm.. this weekend.. like what date? cause im major busy.. i have a soccer game sunday, and a theatre thing saturday.. :/ ya busy crap. fill me in i guess.
Eric.. .//
Posted 9/6/2005 1:24 PM by WilDRicEGuY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Gulf of Mexico? Do tell
Posted 9/6/2005 4:52 PM by FoxYmeRoxY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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haha what an odd story. The gulf of Mexico though? Why in the world would the water be glowing green?
Did the porta potty guys see that you were swimming butt naked in the glowing water?
hahah I don't need to know about your pet snake. perv. 8)
hahah Rox
Posted 9/6/2005 8:40 PM by FoxYmeRoxY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit JabasALicker's Xanga Site!
Dude, you had better still be havin' that party this weekend! I'm plannin on commin' down to see everyone and I wanna PARTY IT UP........virgo-style!!!!! Holla back, Heroe!!!
Posted 9/7/2005 12:13 PM by JabasALicker - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

hey dale, so you remember what is you name meaning in Hong Kong?
          when i got to see you?    DALE
Posted 9/8/2005 8:11 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit wosblondie's Xanga Site!
hey..sorry it took me so long to comment back..lol no im not 14...so i guess ur day aint ruined..lol im 16 what aobut u??
Posted 9/9/2005 8:38 PM by wosblondie - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit AlMoSt_TwiSteD's Xanga Site!
Hey Dale! That poem is really really good. This is Weslee by the way....just dropping in to say hi, or hey, or something......anywho, cya l8ter
Posted 9/10/2005 1:14 AM by AlMoSt_TwiSteD - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit cinderjessi07's Xanga Site!
heyy...you really need to post if u want to...but only if you wanna...i hate when ppl tell me to, so im just suggesting...and when you do, please check out my music on  mine...u might have to wait a couple secs bc its live...but its a good song, you might know it!
Posted 9/10/2005 11:41 AM by cinderjessi07 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit VoteForPedroMKay's Xanga Site!
That all GreenDay playlist is amazing and impressive... They are totally impressive in concert... I suggest you go to the next one.. it will make you a fanatic if you aren't one already.
Posted 9/11/2005 7:04 PM by VoteForPedroMKay - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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