Xanga - September 11,2005


Sunday, September 11, 2005

Currently Listening
From Under the Cork Tree
By Fall Out Boy
see related
"These are the times that try mens souls..."
So last night was the party. I thought it went ok. Got into a cake fight, jumped in the pool fully clothed multiple tiems, got taped wrapped around my head (hard coming off of the eye lids) played Halo2 most of the night with some really cool people.  got some thoughts on my mind but dont feel like sharing just yet... got to go read for professor turk tomorow.
leave some luv.

Visit cinderjessi07's Xanga Site!
heyy...im here if you need to share thoughts always =)
Posted 9/11/2005 10:05 PM by cinderjessi07 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit all_the_worldz_a_stage's Xanga Site!
down pour on the inside?
Posted 9/11/2005 10:23 PM by all_the_worldz_a_stage - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

dude...u can vent out ur feelings to me.....ill listen any time! memeber like 3 yrs ago we made a promise if we needed to talk to someone ...well yea im hear for ya buddy! ttyl
Posted 9/12/2005 6:43 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit AlMoSt_TwiSteD's Xanga Site!
Hey...your party WAS awesome!! Though i had to leave early...i was there for the cake fight and the pool jumpin...yeauh i think that you were the one that hit me with the cake...but it is all cool...it was fun.

sorry that you have things on the inside...but you should let them out sometime...if you dont then they will build up inside and then like explode! that wouldn't be good. you should find someone to talk to, and i know that we aren't like great friends...but im here if you cant find no one...

well, gtg

Posted 9/12/2005 7:20 PM by AlMoSt_TwiSteD - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit WilDRicEGuY's Xanga Site!
sorry i missed. it disheartening, but i was crazy busy.
throw me your email please.
Posted 9/13/2005 3:00 AM by WilDRicEGuY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit EBETHtheHOMEFRY's Xanga Site!
So I still owe you that lap dance Just Kidding! Yeauh so I like so started the jumping in the pool fully clothed.. you know us crazy college kids!
I hope things get better.. I am praying for you
Posted 9/13/2005 10:19 AM by EBETHtheHOMEFRY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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