Xanga - September 13,2005


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Currently Watching
The Phantom of the Opera (Full Screen Edition)
By Gerard Butler, Emmy Rossum, Patrick Wilson
see related
well i just spent like 2 hours turning this into a journal where i can print it out and say " hey im keeping a journal but thats cool.
Well today was alright at school. i HATE my pol sci professor.. (have to find out his name for you) . fell on my arm in basketball (whatshisbucket forgot to dry the clothes but we played anyway) had to wrap my elbow back up..... behind in the show again......
it was an alright day=)
I have been doing alot of coverage over the Hurrican Katrain Relief effort. kind of deppressing....

dad got to go to Lousisiana this past weekend and help clean up... cant wait till i go in a couple of weeks. lots of interesting stories... ask and ill tell........
Appropriate quote for the day:
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you want me with you here beside you, anywhere you go let me go too..... that's all I ask of you...
                 ------The Phantom of the Opera =)
 Posted 9/13/2005 9:33 PM - 1 View - 10 eProps - 6 comments - edit it

Visit Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO's Xanga Site!
dude...so jealous...i want to go to louisiana...
Posted 9/13/2005 9:38 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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haha yeah.. thanks for bringing my movie to mrs. caillier's.. me and nikki and mrs . caillier sat in her room during lunch today and watched it =) hehehe
Posted 9/14/2005 4:44 PM by oOoNutMeg87oOo - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Best movie ever! And Marsh, Dale, his name is MARSH. I know his real name is hard to remember, when we only call him our "boring gov teacher", but it really is Marsh.
Posted 9/14/2005 8:45 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

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That is awesome that you get to go to louisiana and help out and stuff. Hey that is an awesome movie that you are watching...except now it would be "watched" cause you have already watched it since i am posting now, and you watched it before....lol whew.. that was kinda confusing lol :) sokay though cause what is life without a little confusion??

anywho...no one has posted on my xanga since like, the 11th.. :( you should go there and leave me a comment since no one else feels the urge to.. well i have homework that i dont want to do so i guess that i will go now..

Posted 9/14/2005 10:40 PM by AlMoSt_TwiSteD - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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you're cute
Posted 9/15/2005 4:45 PM by iupartygirl44 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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mah emails iwantsac0okie@hotmail.com
and that was way cute about my mothers toothbrush! haha i've never thought about selling it....goober
Posted 9/17/2005 2:55 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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