Xanga - October 27,2005


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Currently Listening
One Fell Swoop
By Spill Canvas
see related
So im getting really bad about updating this thing..... oh well.....
theme lyrics for this entry:
"And I've got some friends some that I hardly know
We've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world
We chase these days down with talks of the places that we will go"
                        - Rise Against       "Swing Life Away"
So, as many of you probably now know, the war between the seniors and the juniors is getting under way... some may think that it is already over but the CEOs at the HHC say "Nah" to this statement...... its just getting started........ to prevent intelligence leaks, I will not mention any specifics but what I can say is " its gonna be good!"  ahaha.....
now for the reason for the theme lyrics:  have you ever wanted to go back in time because you realize that you should have done things differently a long time ago??? like started being better friends with people?..... I had 13 years of school to figure out this making friends thing and I think that if I live another 50 ill still be making the same mistakes i am now........ like wasting the time that I am provided with to do the things that I need to be doing...........ok... enough rambling...........................................
well, basketball started yesterday. WOW.wow.wow.wow. thats all I can say about that.... we are going to be tons better than when we under the Brewster regime. The Nike shoes are awesome so far... we will just have to see how they hold up=) bad news is that I can already feel my knees starting to get soar again but I mine as well get used to it because it aint going to get any better.....
Broadcast is getting better and better. We got a partnership with the local TV Station channel 6 KFDM, ordered an actual camera (like you see the real TV people with) and went wireless on our studio mic system...
I want to learn how to play guitar and piano REALLY well... in case anyone cares....
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
                                               -Aldous Huxley
ok thats all im going to write for now... will leave with some lyrics...............
The Spill Canvas - Self-Conclusion Lyrics
Fade in, start the scene
Enter beautiful girl
But things are not what they seem
As we stand at the edge of the world

"Excuse me, sir,
But I have plans to die tonight
Oh, and you are directly in my way
And I bet you're gonna say it's not right"
My reply:
"Excuse me, miss
But do you have the slightest clue
Of exactly what you just said to me
And exactly who you're talking to?"

She said, "I don't care, you don't even know me"
I said, "I know but I'd like to change that soon, hopefully"
Yeah, we all flirt with the tiniest notion
Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
You see the trick is that you're never supposed to act on it
No matter how unbearable this misery gets

"You make it sound so easy to be alive
But tell me, how am I supposed to seize this day
When everything inside me has died?"
My reply:
"Trust me, girl
I know your legs are pleading to leap
But I offer you this easy choice- 
Instead of dying, living with me"

She said, "Are you crazy? You don't even know me."
I said, "I know, but I'd like to change that soon hopefully"
Yeah, we all flirt with the tiniest notion
Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
You see the trick is that you're never supposed to act on it
No matter how unbearable this misery gets

I would be lying if I said that things would never get rough
And all this cliche motivation, it could never be enough
I could stand here all night trying to convince you
But what good would that do?
My offer stands, and you must choose

"All right, you win, but I only give you one night
To prove yourself to be better than my atttempt at flight
I swear to god if you hurt me I will leap
I will toss myself from these very cliffs
And you'll never see it coming"
"Settle, precious, I know what you're going through
Just ten minutes before you got here I was going to jump too"

Yeah we all flirt with the tiniest notion
Of self conclusion in one simplified motion
You see the trick is that you're never supposed act on it
No matter how unbearable this misery gets
 Posted 10/27/2005 6:38 PM - 1 View - 24 eProps - 17 comments - edit it


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dale smells
Posted 10/27/2005 7:02 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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allright whos the creative cunning genious now...there are precisely...136 dots...merry christmas =)
i think
Posted 10/27/2005 7:10 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Hey 8) what do you mean ouch???
Posted 10/27/2005 7:30 PM by FoxYmeRoxY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Well... I'm not a member, but I have to say if I was a member I would atleast get the letters right... it's HHC not HCC! WoW Dale!! You're on top of that one!
Posted 10/27/2005 7:34 PM by Halo0188 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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dude...thats awesome about the channel 6 thing and the camera and all and the mic...congrats...you guys still suck though compared to last year haha...
Posted 10/27/2005 8:04 PM by Nameless115 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Febuary 22, 2078 I got a while! Hehehehe!!
P.S. I dont think I spelled that month right!
Posted 10/27/2005 9:28 PM by Logan2006 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

I agree. I think about that stuff all the time. Mainly because I don't do a lot of things outside of school. Geez I'm a loser. There are a few things that I would change. Nothing I would mention on here. It would be things that I would tell certain people. I think I may cry now.
Posted 10/27/2005 9:48 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

cherry vanilla coke??? hmmmm....we'll see... maybe just bc u suggested it ill try it. haha BASKETBALL started like last week here! im sOooOOOooOO flippen excited!!! about the camera thing thats awesome....my sis is a cohost for news station in idaho! haha...
oh and the whole piano n guitar thing...yeah im deff on the same page i want to play piano way better and i WISH i could play the guitar....
oh and one last thing....FYI----girls think its hot when guys can play the piano, AND THE GUITAR thats like triple brownie points! hehe =)
Posted 10/27/2005 9:55 PM by Anonymous - delete - fix language - recommend - reply

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hmmmmmm..... well. you see.. there was this buffalo..and um.. yellow snow? jew i'm out
Posted 10/27/2005 10:46 PM by oOoNutMeg87oOo - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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ummm i dunno dude.......when do you wanna play? lol im gonna be busy friday and saturday this week. then sunday i might be busy. other than that i dunno! lol im a sumwhat free person. i havent got my job back yet, i dunno if i wanna.......but i guess i still do need the pay check =(   so yeah, i might start workin again.......maybe........ummmm yeah, i dunno, just call me up when you wanna. lata!!
Posted 10/28/2005 4:03 AM by BHughesBrown - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit EBETHtheHOMEFRY's Xanga Site!
so get this I so just tried to send you an email with so many awesome ideas for your war but it like so deleted it.. I will try again later... man they were passionate too...
i will try again later,
Posted 10/28/2005 11:28 AM by EBETHtheHOMEFRY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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HEY!!!!!!!!!what it is yo, what's up!?!?... is the war off or on???... jodi said it was off.... i need to know the truth!!
Much Love~*MaEgAn*
Posted 10/31/2005 11:07 PM by LoVeZbUgZ16 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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ok so i really think you ARE getting bad at this whole updating thing?...
Posted 11/2/2005 6:37 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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so..to answer your text last night...
I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE...he scares me still?
Posted 11/4/2005 5:23 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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yeah so hey! I thought the war thing was over!!! Someone tried to convince me to be a double spy, so I completely bowed out of the whole ordeal, so as not to p!ss anyone off......yeah cause i have a lot of friends in 12th, but a lot more in mine....yeah anyway....the broadcast thing, i think that's awesome a/b the channel 6 thing. really...yeah anyway. I LOVE THAT SONG! Just so you know.
okay I have to go.....ttyl!
Posted 11/8/2005 7:27 PM by GDVigilanteSaint - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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Much Love~*MaEgAn*
Posted 11/8/2005 10:52 PM by LoVeZbUgZ16 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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so..i had a really strange dream about you
Posted 11/13/2005 4:47 PM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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