Xanga - January 04,2006


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Currently Listening
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
By My Chemical Romance
see related
Hey you great bunch of emotional xangazons---- i mean that is what this is for right?? to let out your feelings without feeling like a nerd because you right in a journal?? at the same time we get some feedback on things or maybe its just a neverending chat session where you can come back anytime you want and pick up on the latest gossip.. i dunno.... whatever the reason that makes it so attractive to people, i like it. mainly for the first reason........=)
LOTS going through my head lately, ive been thinking that i have nothing to do really compared to everyone else to get ready for life after high school. The last couple of days has done a 180 on that. I have more to do in the next 9 months than anyone else i know really. I mean, i was born for a couple of reasons, one of which is to let people know what i know..... i'm by no means saying that im any good at it but i know that in the hands of the lord i can work far past my own potential.... Many have started getting ready for life after high school in the last few months. i started perhaps centuries ago when i made a choice....... few will prolly understand the full effect of what i just said but to those of you who do, thank you, thank you for standing up everyday for what you believe in and letting everyone know who you really are. Life in school had been estimated by scholars to last a little over 6 min by the eternal time scale that abraham(i think it was him) talked of. 6 min. that it..... what can you endure for six min if you knew what we know......??? popularity last through high school, respect last 4 ever. There are people in the world, people my own age who i doubt will ever really know how much i respect them for being able to do what they do every day with such grace and confidence......
story time... I had a great aunt and a great uncle. he had heart problems and one morning after complaingin of heart attack symptoms, they rushed him to the ER but it was too late. The docter walked out to the waiting room, and softly told my great aunt that they had tried everything but they had lost him. with out a word, she softly laid her head back and went to sleep, never to wake again. I can only hope, dream, and pray for a love that strong. And i know that the person is out there for me, but i have to do my part to find her and part of that is living the way i know i should so that "i can be all that i can be (in this family)"=)
oh yeah - for the other important stuff, basketball is driving me crazy, added stress to the above thoughts, we lost to evadale......... we killed them in every aspect of the game accept we couldnt make the ball go through the net....... out worked them easily, prolly shot 4 or 5 times the amount of layups and still couldnt pull of a win. In the famous words of Kyle Childress "We cant buy a game"
 Posted 1/4/2006 10:28 AM - 6 Views - 22 eProps - 18 comments - edit it


Visit Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO's Xanga Site!
soo...now you've got mail...go check it
Posted 1/4/2006 11:51 AM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit GBJOO's Xanga Site!
Dude HHC is SO gonna make a comeback. Ive got a few targets in mind. And wait till you hear what I've got in store for our last prank ever.. it has never before been attempted or completed by any seniors in the history of Buna High. But thats how we roll, and we WILL do it. If its the last thing I do 
Posted 1/4/2006 1:15 PM by GBJOO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit oOoNutMeg87oOo's Xanga Site!
wow... i am such a jerk....
Posted 1/4/2006 4:36 PM by oOoNutMeg87oOo - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit WilDRicEGuY's Xanga Site!
Heroe, im leaving next thursday, that leaves a couple of days for some gaming. you set a date, and i will be there. get it done.
Posted 1/4/2006 5:08 PM by WilDRicEGuY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit JabasALicker's Xanga Site!
I seem to be figuring things out, eh?
We came from the birth-giver's womb...
We are on Earth but it seems like we are in Hell...
We will go where our Father wants us to go. Where we deserve to go...
I love you. Want some granola?
Posted 1/4/2006 8:42 PM by JabasALicker - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Halo0188's Xanga Site!
I didn't know there was a party?! When did I have a party? Did I go to my party? Was it a fun party?
Posted 1/4/2006 11:13 PM by Halo0188 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Logan2006's Xanga Site!
Thats really deep.  Then the whole basketball thing through it off! See you tomorrow at the best place in the world, Buna High School!
Posted 1/4/2006 11:52 PM by Logan2006 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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P.S. I meant to out threw instead of through in my last comment,  but I lack proper English skills
Posted 1/4/2006 11:53 PM by Logan2006 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Nemerosis's Xanga Site!
whats up man, you dont know me, but i saw your questions on andrews site.  those are big questions, since the beginning of time people have been asking them. ive learned that basically they are personal, everyone will answer differently.  my thoughts are...
We came from God.  God desired us to exist, and so through parents, he made it so.
We are here to serve a purpose.  all of us.  like when Morpheus sits Neo down in the matrix... Morpheus:"Let me tell you why your here....   Theres something wrong with the world.  You dont know what it is.  But its there..."  i believe every person is born to serve a specific purpose, like Neo was.
Where we will go?..  nobody can say really i guess for fact.  we all die, thats the only thing in all of existance that seems to be certain.  personally i believe in heaven and hell, and i could write a lot on that.  we all deserve hell, Grace of God, and nothing else, can save us from that.
i am a Christian, i was not raised that way...these are beliefs that i have come to on my own, and not preached to me over years untill they sunk in.  good luck in your personal search for these answers.  if you wish to ask me anything, feel free on my xanga.
Posted 1/7/2006 1:45 AM by Nemerosis - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit GreenEyesRBetter's Xanga Site!
Wow...this shocks the crap out of me.
Posted 1/7/2006 8:25 AM by GreenEyesRBetter - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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???Huh??? LOL
Posted 1/7/2006 10:41 PM by GreenEyesRBetter - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO's Xanga Site!
dude....you know what i just remembered...."hmph" but i dont remember what we said it meant?...
Posted 1/8/2006 12:21 AM by Oo_yEs_iTsJeSs_oO - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Nemerosis's Xanga Site!
hey, thanks for the reply back.  yes i know andrew, i lived down the hall from him all semester at etbu.  good guy.  its cool to see you do have a powerful faith, whether it be in the exact same thing as me is besides the point.    faith in a higher power is a vital thing to have.
Posted 1/8/2006 2:06 AM by Nemerosis - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit LoVeZbUgZ16's Xanga Site!
Dale!!! just droppin in to say hey!
Mucho Amor<3*MaEgAn*
Posted 1/8/2006 5:52 PM by LoVeZbUgZ16 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit WilDRicEGuY's Xanga Site!
i miss you bud.
Posted 1/9/2006 5:53 PM by WilDRicEGuY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit WilDRicEGuY's Xanga Site!
pffffft, we'll figure out something.
Posted 1/9/2006 5:59 PM by WilDRicEGuY - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit Logan2006's Xanga Site!
Hey!!! You need to update too!!! =)!!
<3 from ME!!!
Posted 1/14/2006 9:49 PM by Logan2006 - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

Visit brain_stewed_bananas's Xanga Site!
(**I know I'm late in this read**)
Wow, that really hits a spot there. I know that there are some really emotional people out there, but I guess not so many who can say something so meaningful like you just did. Seriously, I'm feeling some tears from this one....Very nice......Glad to read something worth reading, you know, something that you can actually relate to. :)
Posted 2/2/2006 5:28 PM by brain_stewed_bananas - delete - block user - fix language - recommend - reply

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