Back at Home...

     WOW.. its been one heck of a trip so far. So, Sunday night, Destiny calls me and says "hey, i broke my tail bone and my bf has a suspended license, you drive and ill pay for gas." I said deal. Scott decided to (against his parents consent) come with. I am so grateful that he did.

     So Wed morning we take off towards Texas. We drove the whole thing straight through. We drove, and drove, and drove... I don't know how many times i had the thought "What was i thinkin?" Luckily, Scott was there to keep me sane and he did a ton of driving. Props to you "Scotty boy" ;) I was going to try and be original and figure out some way to surprise Mom and Dad. All i got was honking the horn as i drove up the driveway... Man, if only life where more like the movies.. Everytime something cool happens there should be fireworks, dramatic music, and a miracle (like snow should start falling). Anyways. It was pretty cool regardless, I was happy to see the family, and heck, lets get real here, it felt pretty good to get out of the stinkin car as well. ;)
     So the food at Grandma's was the same as every year. Awkward company, traditional (yet disliked) food, and everyone explaining to grandma what is going on a few times before she quite catches up. Speaking of, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday with her getting her computer working a little bit. But the other think i did was work a little bit with her on some Genealogy stuff. Just a few tid bits of missing information and we can do a few generations worth of work. Its pretty cool. Im just the mediator between mom and grandma. I sure wish they would stop complaining about the other one and just do it. Anyways. I got it figure out exactly what we need, so hopefully we can get this show on the road pretty soon.

     After Grandma's, Scott and I rode horses for a little while.  Me and Chris almost got killed when they both decided that wanted to try to jump a flower bed box, we survived. Then Scott and I took the horses in the old trails in the back by they creek. I couldn't believe how much everything had changed. It seems like i used to know every tree and bush in that place like the back of my hand. I guess after the hurricane came through, and we stopped using the trails so much.. stuff changed... Kinda of what happens around here though.
     Anyways, I have homework that i have to get taken care of before everyone starts showing up for here for round two. Tonight we are having a small get-together with some old friends. Should prove to be interesting.

Dale Out

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