

     Today was the next to last day at school. I am ready for this semester to be over. I have a test left in math, Luke 2 in Rel, 2 chapter of Business law and thats it! I'm ALMOST there! and I'm feel like the energizer bunny is about to run out of juice. For example, In the BusLaw class, the first two test i got a 192/200 and 196/200. The last test, i got 152/200. And to make it worse, I DON'T CARE!!! haha. Yesterday i got an email from Dr. Hoagland (the teacher) to come see him after class about the test. He told me today that i could get some extra credit work to make up for the test. The thing is, I don't know if I'm going to do it. Its like a freshman's version of senoritis.;) SUNSET.
     SUNRISE. I had a job interview yesterday. and i have one tomorrow. The one yesterday was sales for a legal service. I think i could make some good money. But its sales. The good news is that i think that the interview went pretty well. The bad news is that if I get the job, i may not get to go home for Christmas.
     SUNRISE. I have a job interview tomorrow at Scott's Trading.. Its an internship in Sale Lake that i really hope goes through.
    SUNRISE: Wal-mart on Monday night in Orem is full of 7's, 8's, and 9's and 12's;)
     SUNRISE. On the way to the job interview yesterday, i got some really random texts. Bear with me on this one.
?????: Is this Dale?
DALE: Yup. - who is this?
?????: I know this is about 2 b very strange.. Lena (hayleys friend). Im not even sure u remeber me. I dont recall ever having a conversation with you, and def havent seen yo in years.
DALE: uh hu?
LENA: phhh. Well i had this dream. You were car.. black seats..night time. I could barely even see ur face from the low blue glow of the gages.I was in the back seat..buckled in but not really scared of ur speed. You seemed calm. We didnt speak.. I studied ur composure. Blank stare. gripping knuckles. clintching jaw...Finally the sun started to break thru the night sky... and right at morning we arrived at a looked over in teh passenger seat... and katie ruggles was there the whole time. She smiled as a tear kinda ran down her face.. she hugged you but you really didnt move..she turned around to me and spoke...then she got motioned to me to get in the front seat. you pulled away...didnt even look back. I asked you if we were going to wait 4 her... you finally looked at me and said... shes not coming back. Isnt that the wierdest dream
DALE: Sounds intense. Thank you for sharing. Any ideas as to what i means?
LENA: Ive read twilight 2 many times and i miss my best friend? Or we were suppose 2 be friends.. or i ate cookies too late last night.?

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